On the 14th after working out, I sent Lee outside so I could "clean house". It doesn't take long to clean the rig, but I like to have it by myself. Late afternoon we took the ferry to the island to have dinner with John and Carol.
On the 16th went to get my hair cut (that was long overdue!!!!!). After our workout we started packing for our trip to my sister's house in Austin for Thanksgiving. Left bright and early on Saturday. Stopped at our favorite place - Bucees for a coffee refill. If you ever see one of these in your travels.....stop! It's a great place to stretch your legs, shop for food, goodies, etc. etc. and fill up your gas tank. We were very excited to hear that Texas had opened up another addition to their toll road leading into Austin. The good news ---- it was only a few miles up Interstate 10 close to Bucees. We are only approximately 195 from Austin, but with the toll road we can get there a lot quicker.....especially with the speed limit at 85!!!! Now -- that's an issue with me. I'm too old to go that fast, besides I'm not in that big of a hurry (LOL). We did give it a try. Glad we didn't put the windows down.....otherwise we would have a G-force problem. Even when Lee slowed down to 80 it was still too fast. With very little traffic and no traffic lights, you can sure move right along -- quickly.
Started our "vacation" with Debi having a Mexican breakfast. She insisted on driving so she could get her car washed. Now -- I included that bit of info because of the experience in the car wash. First of all -- you SHOULD NEVER go to a car wash if you have a window that won't roll all the way up. With much care - Lee and Debi pushed the window up and inserted a screw driver to hold it in place before entering. Lee was sitting next to that window because Ryder's car seat is on the other side. I bet you can see where this is going. Once the car is in place -- and the water starts --- the window won't hold up. OH MY GOSH - we laughed so hard we could hardly breathe. Lee is getting soaked. Luckily someone's jacket was in the back, which was used to block the water......but not before Lee got washed and waxed. Pictures also to follow.
The following morning we all went to have a pedicure......so relaxing!!! On the way back we stopped at their new Super Plus HEB (another grocery store on steroids) to do our Thanksgiving dinner shopping. That was an experience.......half the population of Austin was there!!! Back to the house to unload groceries and headed for the mall. I needed to get some new tennis shoes. Having problems with my feet, and with working out, I definitely needed shoes with better support. We figured the mall would be fairly empty because most of the people were grocery shopping at the new HEB!!! We were right -- and I got some new shoes (workouts much better now).
On Tuesday Lee and Todd (nephew) went to Cabelas and on to some property Todd's in-laws own to do some shooting (looking for those big awful looking hogs). Debi and I headed to the airport to pick up Elmer (our stepdad). Very excited to have him with us!!! He'll be here for a week. I think this helped all of us to be together. It was just a little over a year ago when we lost mom. Took it easy the following day. We started preparing stuff for our Thanksgiving dinner. Busy Thanksgiving morning preparing the finishing touches. Turned out GREAT!! After watching some football games and some taking a nap, we went to Todd's in-laws for dessert. Busy and happy day had by all.
On Friday the 23rd Todd and Ryder came over and we all loaded up and went to the Oasis for lunch. This is one of our favorite places. Pictures will follow. On the way Debi took to an area by the Oasis where we did many hours of boating in prior years. Oh how sad!!!!! Due to the drought over the years, there is NO water at all --- only weeds!
Jim and Pat from Kansas
John and Carol from Charleston Tn.
Dan and Karen From Michigan Theyre UPPERS
Car Wash
Hog Hunting
On Sunday the 25th we packed up and headed back to Rockport. We made our usual stop at Bucees and headed south. The buffalo you'll see below were just north of Cuero, Texas. Pictures don't do them justice. Another huge by large animal in Texas!!! On Monday we set out our Christmas decorations, along with the rest of the park. Everyone was enjoying the beautiful weather -- 87 degrees.
On Tuesday we met the Heartland folks at the Beach House in Old Town Rockport. This lunch was to discuss the Meet & Greet we're having in February for Heatland Owners. Seems we think better at these meetings if we eat.
We had a great experience on Wednesday night. We were invited to the island to a bon fire and to watch the sun set and the moon rise. No big deal - right??? WRONG!!! Every full moon a local couple go to the beach, dig a huge hole in the sand and builds a bon fire. People come from all over the area. He said as many as 200 people have attended this event. The sunset was beautiful, but the moon rising above the ocean was breathtaking. Including pictures....but again....I don't think they'll do the scene justice. It's also a big night for what is called party boats. That's the tiny lights you'll see below the moon. Will definitely be going back for the next full moon.
We end the month of November by having lunch with all our Heartland friends at Trout Street. It's hard to believe that another month has passed. All the Winter Texans have now arrived. The park is full.
Tonight there is a free Fish Dinner at the Fulton Convention center for all Winter Texans. In the morning Lee, John and a new friend is going Kayak Fishing. More on that one later.
Until the next time......take care!