I'm not sure if it was good idea for me to take over "blog control". Most folks update their blog weekly....I'm lucky if I get ours updated monthly. I'm good at making notes though, but that's because I carry a notepad in my purse and truck. I have been "scolded" by several of our out of town friends because the blog is how they keep up with us.
Let's start back the first of December (3rd) when we met the Heartland folks for breakfast at the Bakery. Came back to workout in the weight room, then made a Walmart to purchase hand weights. We have now joined a walking exercise class. It's held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in our clubhouse. The walking part of this class equals a 2 mile walk, with exercises included using the hand weights. On Wednesday the 5th Lee and John went kayak fishing. No luck with any keepers, but I told them to take pictures anyway and we could take the snaphots to Walgreens for a good photo shop update (LOL). While they were gone I washed all the windows (inside) in the rig.
On Thursday (the 6th) we rode over to Corpus Chrsti to do some Christmas shopping. On the way back we stopped at a kite shop in Port Aransas. WOW - what a place!!! Really neat stuff. But - we shouldn't have stopped....we have added another flamingo to LEE's collection (picture to follow). She's in a hammock wearing a yellow polka dot bikini, sunglasses, flip flops......and a belly button ring. We are still having a discussion as to what we're going to name her. She has definitely been a conversation piece here in the park.
.JPG) |
Rockport Beach |
.JPG) |
Jelly Fish |
Waiting on the Parade |
Even the Dogs get into the act
Juat a few of the stuffed animals for the Police |
Banjo the neighbors dog |
The Belly Button Ring |
Ryders Christmas Tree |
Hilda the lazy Flamingo |
Ryders new ride |
What;s next? |
Daddy's new Yeti |
Buc-ee's and Buc-ee's nuts |
A thing of beauty Thanks Karen and Dan |
On Friday after attending our walking class, we put a roast in the crock pot and headed to the grocery store. Lee's going to make a huge batch of chili to freeze. Between the roast and chili, I don't know what smelled the best that evening. We were able to put up 4 containers in our freezer. Saturday we finished up our Christmas shopping, rearranged some furniture and got all the Christmas things wrapped.
After our class on Monday we just did a "kick back & relax" day. I worked on a craft project and read a bit. Lee played around on his computer. A COLD front had moved in so we just stayed in where it was nice and warm. A cold front here is the high 30's/40's at night and in the 50's during the day. .But not to worry - a heat wave is headed this way. Thursday (the 13th) was our Christmas program. Always a nice event. They also included a parade (pictures included). It really doesn't take much to entertain us senior citizens. On Friday we met the Heartland folks in Portland at Pepito's for dinner. A great place for Mexican food. Saturday (the 15th) was the craft show here in the resort. Another great event.
On Sunday (the 16th) Lee and I went to the beach. It was a beautiful WARM day (88). We estimated we walked at least 3 miles. Came back to the rig to watch football and take a nap. Haven't done many of those since we're always doing something. Attended walking class, a short run to the store. Back to the rig to load the kayak on the truck. Lee and John are going fishing on Tuesday.
On Wednesday (the 19th) we met the Heartland folks on the island at Moby Dick's. Everyone brought a toy or stuffed animal. Instead of giving something to each other we suggested the toys to help out the needy children here. Lee and I have been involved in several of these events and it's always greatly appreciated. On Thursday we went to the Rockport Sheriff's Department with the toys. Needless to say, they were very happy. Spent Saturday getting things organized and packed for our trip to my sister's in Austin for Christmas.
Headed to Austin on Sunday (the 23rd). This ended up being a very special Christmas for all of us!! Michael and Austin flew in Christmas day for a week. Started Christmas morning at Todd (nephew) and Chelsea's house because Santa Claus had been there for Ryder (18 month old great-nephew). What a joy. Back to Debi's to exchange gifts and fix lunch. Debi, Chad (nephew) and I went to the airport late Christmas day to pick up Michael and Austin. Back to Debi's to open up more gifts with them. If I remember right -- we FINALLY got to bed at 2:30 a.m. on the 26th. Should have been worn out, but was too excited. We stayed with them until Saturday the 28th and headed on back to Rockport. That gave all the YOUNG people time to visit, etc. etc. without the "old" folks.
We started the new year off sleeping in and doing a bunch of nothing. I got sick on Wednesday -- bad cold. It got a lot worse as the week went on. Spent two days in my comfy clothes. I would say I was entitled....just don't answer the door if anyone knocks (LOL). Feeling a bit better today (Sunday, Jan. 6th). Lee and a neighbor installed a new window in the door of the rig. Some dear friends of our got it for us when they were at a rally. I don't think I need to even give a hint what it is. Lee will include a picture of it. Some will laugh, but OH MY GOSH, I HAVE to admit.....IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Well folks that's about it for now. Until next time take care!!