Our blog begins on Wednesday Sept. 4th. We worked on putting our last blog together. The afternoon was spent with more training - teaching me how to use Facebook. Friday was laundry day. We started cutting back on feeding the birds so we could clean the bird feeders and seed buckets. We will only take a couple to Rockport. Spent the evening watching the race. Weather update for the day - broke another record. We have now had 41 days @ 100+. Yes - it's warm - or should I say HOT - but we don't have the humidity like Tennessee. Saturday morning the 7th Lee did his 2 mile walk at the dam. Later in the morning we took a ride out to I-35. Made two stops - Bucee's (of course) and the new Hobby Lobby was having an open house. Checked it out because I needed some more yarn. On the way home we tried out a new bbq place. We were very excited because they served pulled pork!! Texas is known for brisket, so it great to find a place with pulled pork. Lee was very pleased, but I wasn't. It was "Texas Style" which means spicy! I'm having a problem with spices. Guess this is another obstacle approaching maturity!!!
On Sunday the 8th Lee took his 2 mile walk on the dam. I have not been able to go with him because the heat bothers some of my medical issues. We noticed the bird feeders are now empty, so we decided to get them cleaned up. There's two that we will take to Rockport. Really going to miss the birds, but we can't wait until the last minute to get them ready for transport. Got too much other stuff to take of.
I have mentioned before that we are in an area that's VERY POPULAR with folks tubing down the Guadalupe River. We will attached a picture of what the river looks like every weekend during the summer.
Thursday the 12th was a fun day for us with lots of running around. Started off the day with an appointment with my eye doctor. GREAT news - surgery a success, I was released. It wonderful to be able to see clearly!!!!! Don't have to go back until next summer for a checkup. Went to WalMart, Cabelas, GNC and the grocery story. Headed back home for a much needed afternoon nap. What can I say - all that running around at our age wore us out.
My sister had rented a "tree house" at Schilterbaum (a water park) for her and the family for the weekend (9/13 - 9/15). This is just a few miles from where we live. We drove down and spent the day with them. The picture of Lee and Ryder on the couch is Ryder playing games on his dad's cell phone. I was amazed at how much a 2 years knows about iPhones. He could probably teach us a thing or two. Had dinner with them and headed back home. I got really excited on the way home!! This is the first time we've been out at dark since my eye surgeries. OMG - what a difference. For the last couple years, I've tried to avoid driving at night because of the "sunbursts" with oncoming car headlights. Another positive with cataract surgery!!!!!! We went back to the tree house on Saturday afternoon. The front porch overlooked a section of the water park. Many many laughs because so many people wiped out at that particular area. The kids did great -- not so good for adults. Sunday we got more stuff ready for storage. Watched a lot of football, going back to the race occasionally. I don't like racing as much when the chase starts. I am NOT a fan of the chase at all. Lee doesn't mind at all - so I try not to complain too much as to what's going on during the race. Monday the 16th we took a load to storage. Spent several hours rearranging. We put the things we're taking to Rockport toward the front. We will start loading all that in the rig and car in another week. Saturday the 21st we went to check out a campground. We had been there before, but we wanted to take another look. Hoping a spot will be available when we come back in March. Talked to the folks in the office and put our name on the list. They don't think there will be a problem at all. Got back to the rig, settled in for a day of football and racing. Woke up on Sunday with a BIG change in the weather. FINALLY got a low front in the area which brought the temp down to 62. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and rode over to Gruene for their monthly market days. Made our last run to Camping World for a few items. The days are ticking off very fast. But - due to my "lists" we seem to be very organized. Another cool morning on Monday the 23rd -- 58!! Love it!! This is also a big day for celebration. Our grandson - Austin - turned 18. Where have the years gone??????? Took a last minute load to storage and brought some things back that will be needed in Rockport. Lee got the Kayak out (from under the rig) and gave it a bath and a wax job. All the yard art, flags, etc. have been taken up and packed away. Tuesday we went to storage for the 5th wheel and fishing items. Lee installed the 5th wheel while I cleaned the inside of the truck. This time next week, we'll be in Rockport. Thursday the 26th was a very busy day. Lee got a haircut, pedicure, greased the wheel bearings, checked the air pressure on all tires (rig, car, & truck), filled the trucks airbags and gassed up both vehicles, the truck holds 79 gallons. I worked mainly inside, but I did get the nasty wheel covers washed and packed away. Need a nap -- after I doctor my right foot. Was attacked by fired ants -- didn't see them!!!! PAINFUL!! Warm day - broke another record - 102. OUCH on both issues!
Friday we got the grill cleaned up and headed to the mail service to schedule the forwarding of our mail. We took the skirt off the front of the rig and got it packed away. It's dirty, but we'll clean it up once we get settled in Rockport. Had a good afternoon of thunder storms. Helped to settle the dust in the RV park.....and believe me - there's plenty to go around. Debi came down on Saturday for the weekend. After having breakfast at Granny D's, we dropped Lee off at the rig and we headed out to do some shopping. All 3 of us kicked back and relaxed for the afternoon, then went to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Debi left around noon on Sunday (the 29th). Lee and I took the day off and did a bunch of nothing - a much needed day of rest!!!!
On Tuesday October 1st we left Canyon Lake at 10:00 a.m. Lee in the truck pulling the RV and me in the PT following. Stopped at Buccee's on I-10 around 11:00 for some breakfast. Arrived at Drifter's Resort (our winter home) at 2:20 p.m. The heat index was 102 - and NO breeze, so we did ONLY the necessary setup outside. Met some our dear friends (Jim & Pat) for breakfast at the Bakery on Wednesday morning. They are "Winter Texans" from Kansas City and they come the first of October also. It was GREAT seeing them!!!! Made a quick trip to the island (Port Aransas). Lee needed to pick up some Dramamine tablets from the deep fishing place. Chad (our nephew) is coming down for the weekend. They are going on an 8 hour fishing trip on Friday. Afterwards we headed to the store for major grocery shopping. We had eaten most of the food in the rig before leaving Canyon Lake. Had to eliminate some weight due to adding all the fishing gear (LOL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After getting everything put up - back outside to finish the setting up process. The only thing left is LEE'S flock of flamingos. Thursday I got my haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had 2 of the worse haircuts of my life from 2 different people in Canyon Lake. I decided to just wait until I got to Rockport.
This gal has been doing my hair for the last 2 years and she's super. That afternoon Lee got the bird feeders up. Got birds again!!!
Friday morning October the 4th we were all up at 5:30 a.m. Lee and Chad headed to the island at 6:00 a.m. for their fishing trip. I couldn't go back to sleep so I started working on the inside of the rig. It's started to look like home again. The guys got back to the RV park around 6:00 p.m. They had a GREAT time and both "limited out" on their catch (red snapper). Both caught a shark also. Saturday started off leisurely. Chad needed to do some studying before we headed over to the island. He was giving us a lesson on how to catch ghost shrimp. We didn't catch any because the tide was coming in. You need to do this when the tide is going out. Lee has an app on his iPhone that shows low/high tide, so we'll go back one day this week. Chad wanted to do some fishing at the jetty, so Lee and I went into town for a few and headed back to the rig. Watched some very interesting football games. Florida won against Arkansas. Once Chad got back we headed back to the island for dinner at Trout Street. That's a BIG deal!!! Great food and scenery. The sunset pictures we've included were taken on our way back to the island and on the ferry. Absolutely beautiful!! The last picture was taken by Lee at one of the stores and he titled it as a family reunion,
The blog is a bit longer this time, but it spills over into October for obvious reasons. Today is Sunday October 6th. Chad left this morning, Lee made a run to WalMart for a new sewer hose (ours was split in a couple places - glad he noticed before he had to dump - you folks with rigs can appreciate that), I sorted the laundry for tomorrow and put on a roast, then set down to do the blog.
Take care -- and until next time