These months sure seem to go fast since we've been in the house!! This one starts one on Saturday October the 4th. Lee mowed the yard, while I worked on the domestic chores inside. We settled down in the afternoon to watch the football games and worked on last month's blog. Monday and Tuesday were filled with more domestic chores and errands. We were REALLY enjoying the fall weather over the it's back to summer....70's at night and mid 90's during the day. Thursday the 9th we went to Home Depot to check out water coolers. The distributors want a fortune for monthly delivery. We didn't know HD carried them until we were talking with a gal at one of the local water dispenser places. The water is SO HARD here and can ruin a coffee pot, etc. quickly. We got a cooler with cold/tepid/hot water features and two 5 gallon containers of water. Now all we have to do is take an empty container to the dispenser and fill it up (5 gallons) with fresh water for only $1.00. A great investment!!!
On Friday the 10th Debi came down for the weekend. She gave me an early birthday present -- a gift card to Bealls. So -- guess where we spent our afternoon. Lee treated us with chicken and salmon fajita's for dinner. Fun day for sure!!! On Saturday the 11th Lee, Debi, Chad and I went to San Antonio to the Riverwalk to celebrate my birthday (a day early). Love that place!!!! Had a great lunch at our favorite restaurant (Lone Star) where I was serenaded by a Mariachi group, then we rode the river boat. As we were standing by the river to discuss where to next --- a pigeon decided to leave his mark on Debi. OH MY GOSH!!! I hurt from laughing. I think some of that laughter was because I was GLAD it wan't me!!!! We did a lot of walking. I didn't want to admit that I needed to give the leg a rest, but it finally got the best of me. There is so much to see and I just didn't want to give in, but the leg won. I wasn't the only that was a bit worn out. Once we got home Debi got in her comfy clothes and passed out on the couch and Lee in his recliner. Debi headed back home on Sunday morning the 12th. Even though it was my birthday -- we had celebrated big time on Friday and Saturday so Lee and I did absolutely nothing but rest. Kept the leg up and ice pack on it most of the day. Felt much better by the evening.
Damn Bird
Penguin Socks
Lil Sis is Wore out
Happy Birthday
Monday we headed to the meat market. Tuesday I did some mending and ironing. Lee made a belt hanger, which turned out great (of course). Having some interesting weather -- it was 41 when we got up, but 74 by noon. Love it!!! It was a very busy day for us on Friday the 17th. Had lots of fun "playing" in the yard. Besides the usual - mowing, weed eating, blower -- we trimmed a couple bushes. I dug one up that was so ugly. We have already decided on what we'll plant in that spot come spring time. Saturday we started early on the chores -- laundry, clean bathroom, etc. etc. so we could watch the truck race and then a lot of football. On Sunday the 19th we visited another church - North Shore United Methodist Church. Will be going back to this one for sure. The afternoon was the usual -- football and the race. As for the race -- we DO NOT like the chase format at all!!!! And we DID NOT like the outcome!!!! So much for that rant. If you go on their website - 99% of the folks that follow Nascar don't like the chase format either.
On Monday the 20th our day started out with some really sad news.....Luther Masingill passed away. He was our hometown radio icon for over 74 years. After our morning coffee and newspaper, we went outside to clean up behind the barn. The prior owner left a bunch of stuff. Some of it can be used, the rest was trash. Off to early voting on Tuesday the 21st. We'll be so glad when the final election day arrives due to the enormous negative ads on tv!!!! LOVE the mute button on the remote. Made a short run to WalMart and Home Depot. On the way back home we decided to check out our local animal shelter. We wanted to see if they had a Chihuahua there. There was a story about her being abandoned (in a small crate) behind a hair salon. It really touched our hearts. Well -- after much consideration and discussion -- we will be picking her up tomorrow.
After a trip to Pet Smart we picked up our rescue pup (Wednesday the 22nd). What a doll. She's 7 months old. (The ungrateful folks that abandoned at least put her birth date on the crate.) She's mostly black with a bit of white on her chest and only weighs 5 lbs. We have named her Allie. She was very timid, but once we got her home, she explored the house, ate a treat and fell asleep in Lee's lap. We were told she probably wouldn't "come around" and trust us for 3 days to a week. Well -- it only took about 2 hours. She KNEW she could trust us. The ears were up and the sad look in her eyes was gone. Anxious to give the gals at the shelter an update. She is adapting so well!!!! On Friday the 24th we took her for her free checkup. She was due 2 more shots, so we had the doctor go on and get her up to date. After we got home she had some play time in the back yard, then immediately got in her spot in the recliner with Lee and passed out. We've only had her for 3 days and we're amazed how she had adjusted to us and the house.
Allie is Home
She loves the backyard and the sunlight
Nap Time in the McClure Household
Allie and her toys on Linda's Blanket
The shelter was taking some of the rescue dogs/cats to a pet store in New Braunfuls on Saturday the 25th. We took Allie so the gals could see her. They were very pleased with her temperment after such a short time. Allie loves to ride in the car, but she had to be held so she can see out. Once we got home, her and I relaxed while Lee went to the shooting range. He was taking a young man that was visiting his grandparents for the weekend. Both had a great time.
Our main project over the last several days is to work and play with Allie. She loves to play chase. So far she has such a precious personality. We left her alone today (28th) for a little while. Put her bed, etc. in the fly tying room. No disaster - except for checking out a couple fishing rods (no hooks thank goodness). We had to go purchase a refrigerator. Certainly didn't need that this time of year!!! Couldn't be helped. The one that was left here was not staying cold enough. Oh well - such is life. On Thursday the 30th the shelter was having a party and fund raiser. They were in need of supplies. We took them some bottled water -- and of course to show off Allie. Back home and into our work clothes. We are starting our next big project......painting the iron fence around the front of the house. Some has to be done by hand, the rest Lee will be able to spray on. Doing it in black. It's going to be another GREAT improvement of ours.
On Saturday (Nov 1st) it warmed up nicely after a low of 40 which we discovered that Allie is cold natured and loves to sit in front of the fireplace, She has become a member of the household.
Baby it's cold outside
Think I'll bring my bed and toys over here
Better than the beach
I started painting on another section of the fence, while Lee trimmed some more bushes. Got our mess cleaned up so we could get inside for the usual - football and the race......and a nap. On Monday the 3rd we emptied the old frig, putting stuff in coolers. They said we could expect delivery between 10:00 - 2:00.....came at 10:15 - OH HAPPY DAY!! The new one cooled off very quickly so we were able to get it loaded.
We headed outside early this morning (Tuesday Nov. 4th). We wanted to get the yard mowed so Lee could spread fertilizer before it rains tonight. Yep --- RAIN!!!! The forecast is 80% by 7:00 tonight. We can only HOPE!!!!
That's about it for this month.
Take care......until next time