Sawing Logs
On Sunday the 9th we went back to the Methodist church we like. I definitely think we found a great church. Very uplifting and positive. We had such a good feeling when we left there this morning. Monday the 10th ---- long story short ----- prayers have been answered. Michael and Austin will be moving to Texas the 28th of November. We are all so excited!!! They will be staying in our RV in Debi's backyard until they can find an apartment.
I finally made it outside to paint on the iron fence. Was hoping Lee could use the sprayer today, but we had winds at 25 - 30 mph. Wanted to get back out on the fence project on the 11th, but the cold weather that was suppose to come tomorrow arrived today. Plus we had winds gusting 30 - 35 mph. A bit cool to play in the yard. On Thursday the 13th went grocery shopping, but we also went to the pet store to find Allie a sweater. The cold weather did NOT ignore us again -- low 30's high in the 40's. She does not like to be cold....but then she's so small and skinny. Major cleaning day on the Friday the 14th. Debi and Tammy (the neighbor) are coming down tomorrow for the weekend. Needless to say Saturday was a fun day with them!!! Went to Gruene for market days. After checking out all the vendors (and purchasing the famous bbq sauce) we headed to the Gristmill for lunch (meeting up with another friend Becky). After checking out several shops, we headed to Bealls. It was a cold wet day....but we had a blast. This weather we're having is NOT typical Texas weather for sure. Like someone said --- someone left the door open up north. While we were playing Lee prepared a great dinner for us. Then it was comfy clothes and relax our tired bodies. Sunday the 16th was a lazy morning for all of us. After breakfast the gals headed home, while Lee and I kicked backed and did our usual -- football and the race.
Allie loves the fireplace
New Sweater
On Monday the 17th we went to the RV early. Lee drained all the lines due to the cold weather. We had a lot of stored in it, so I worked getting those totes loaded in the truck. Gotta get it cleaned out for the guys. Will go back later in the week to finish up. A bit sad was 3 years ago that we lost mom. Doesn't seem like that long at all!!! Wednesday the 19th was errand day -- meat market, Target & Walmart. That evening a family of deer showed up. GOSH - they're beautiful. Miss Allie thought she should run them off. SO FUNNY!! I thought they would run off when she approached the fence barking.....but no....they just stared her down. Big deer versus 5 lb dog -- no competition. On Thursday the 20th we went to the grocery store and Home Depot for a few items. Upon our return home...we had to wait on a deer to get out of the driveway before we could pull in. Got to be very cautious this time of year -- they're everywhere. We were able to get outside in the afternoon to trim some flowers/bushes that were dead.
8 pointer
Lot's of Meat
Saturday the 23rd was a good day to stay indoors. Lots and lots of thunderstorms. A day for domestic chores and football. On Monday the 24th we went back to the RV to empty out the rest of our stuff that we had stored in it. Lee loaded up the 5th wheel hitch so he could get it reattached to the truck this week. We also started setting things out that we would need when we head to Debi's Friday. Tuesday we headed to WalMart for a printer. Things are NOT suppose to break down around the holidays!! When we got home we started putting up some of the Christmas decorations. A bit early -- but my excuse -- wanted to make sure the lights work. Got the truck filled up with diesel on Wednesday the 26th (thank goodness the prices are down since the truck was empty and she needed 74 gallons). Also picked up some Bucee nuts for Michael and Austin (one of their favorites). Took the long way back home through Gruene. Wanted to check out the General Store for western Christmas ornaments. They have the coolest stuff!!!
Candy Canes on the Fence
Before at 3 Mos.
After 18 Years
Christmas Village
Western Christmas Tree
Penguin's on Parade
Thursday the 27th --- Happy Thanksgiving!!! Got the turkey in the oven and took a load of stuff to the RV (our personal stuff we would need for the weekend). Thought I should explain that since we had been cleaning it out. Finished up the day with an outstanding Thanksgiving dinner. On Friday the 28th packed the truck with the remaining items and headed to storage to hook up the RV, then it was off to Debi's. It was quite a challenge getting her backed in Deb's yard.....but all is well. Michael and Austin were to head to Texas today. Didn't get as early a start that they wanted to.....but main thing...they were on their way to their new home....TEXAS!! Saturday morning the 29th, Debi and I started early getting the inside of the RV cleaned, while Lee washed the outside. Dang -- she was dirty. Looks great now!! We got GREAT news. The guys were able to go a lot further than anticipated. Excitement was at all time high, because we knew that they would arrive sometime tonight. I was so glad we had a lot to do --- it made the day go much faster for us (guess I should say me especially). THEY ARRIVED AT 8:00 PM. We had set up chairs in the cul-de-sac to wait their arrival. After all the hugs and kisses, Michael opened up the back of the U-Haul where dozens of Krystals and chili pups awaited everyone. OH MY GOSH ---- wonderful wonderful wonderful.
They're Here and Brought Krystal's
After breakfast on Sunday the 30th we all headed to storage to empty the U-Haul. Had LOTS of help from family and the neighbor, so it didn't take us long at all. Needless to say Michael was VERY EXCITED to get the truck turned in. Debi wanted to do Thanksgiving dinner again to celebrate their arrival that afternoon. Super idea!!! We definitely had so much to be thankful for. Debi headed back to work on Monday December 1st. We started packing up our stuff. Had a wonderful morning visit with Michael and Austin. They had several errands to run, so we headed home so they could get busy. What a fun filled weekend. We're all still in shock with the turn of evens of them becoming Texans. It's so neat to know that they're just "up the road" from us.
Tuesday the 2nd was NOT a good day. Lee was sick.....a horrible stomach problem. Sent him back to bed. It had been a while -- but I attempted to make some potato soup for him (turned out good). By Saturday the 6th very little was going on because both of us have been very sick. Lee was a lot better, but not me. Long story short --- I thought I had a cold. After treating it -- and getting worse I went to the doctor. Horrible throat and mouth virus (can't come up with reason). Lost my voice -- which was not funny for painful. Put on several medications.
As of Tuesday the 9th - due to illnesses we have accomplished very little. Allie has learned to use the doggy doors (whoopie). That was a big deal because she was afraid of the noise they made. Lee is fine now, but not me. We move on to Thursday the 18th. This is the first day I've felt like updating anything....but just making notes only. My infection was worse than expected, Lee took me to the Dr. and they put me on stronger medication. Still don't have my voice back. Trying to figure if Lee is enjoying the quiet time, hmmm I'm HOPING this junk doesn't permanently damage my voice. Got out of the house on the 10th for some last minute Christmas items. Felt good to be out, but it wore me out. My afternoon nap was wonderful. On Monday the 22nd I had Lee take me to Cabelas. Used my Christmas money to buy a lamp I wanted which they had for 1/2 price. Was going to stop at the store on the way home, but you couldn't find a parking place. We got up real early on the 23rd for that trip....which was a good move. After a nap, I made some rice krispy treats to take to Debi's on Thursday.The 24th I made potato salad and a ham to take also. Debi sent me some flower's to make me feel better and they helped.
Flower's From Debi
Thursday the 25th -- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! What a wonderful day. What a feeling to drive up to her house with Michael standing in the yard waiting on us. Had a great day with all the family and a wonderful lunch. We headed back home late that afternoon. Wasn't feeling too good, but I was also totally exhausted from all the excitement of having Michael and Austin here also --- for good!!!!
Friday and Saturday the 26th & 27th we spent some time taking down Christmas decorations. Will have to work on the outside ones later due to the cold, wet & windy day. Monday the 29th -- back to the doctor, not improving much. Again - long story short. This junk usually clears up within 10-14 days. Doctor is concerned. Was put on heavier medication and I'm being sent to an ENT (which is scheduled for Monday the 5th). Prayers -- please!! As of the 31st -- new meds are helping!!!
January 1st --- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Ours was very peaceful. A very positive note --- during the past month my leg has gotten A LOT better!!!! Prayers have been answered there for sure!!
That's about it for now. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2015.
Take care! Until next time............