Saturday, January 21, 2012

Busy Week

I have been a little slow updating the blog but dang I never knew that I would be so busy, I guess that in order to get some rest I need to go back to work,hmmm uh NO.  In the time that I posted last we have been shopping in Corpus Christi twice, Linda got a new blanket with all the pillows and such for the bed, we packed some more stuff and sent it back to Tennessee, I installed a TV in the basement of the RV so that we can sit outside and watch TV.  WE cleaned out the rest of the rig and gave some things away that we didn't use, We went out to eat with our friends from the Heartland club.  Linda and I went to a new Mexican Rest.  Also ate lunch today at The Bakery Cafe.  I did get in some fishing and I ate some Sushi, then last night I got to eat fresh shrimp.  Linda doesn't like seafood so she had steak.  We went to Corpus yesterday and did some shopping and then took the long way back by driving on the coast highway then took the ferry back after having lunch in Port Aransas.  If you have never been in this part of the world you are missing out on some of the greatest sights.  We have enjoyed this time together so much that we have already made reservations for this coming Oct through the end of Feb. 2013.  There have been some cool mornings but then it warms up to the 70's.  Yesterday it got up to 85.

Tomorrow just happens to be Linda's and My anniversary.  This will be our 30th one.  Wow I have never made it so far and I must say it has been the greatest 30 years of my life.  Linda is by far the best thing to ever come into my life.  Then the other thing is that on Tuesday I pass another milestone and that is I will be 67, something that I have never been before also.  Life has been good to me but it is going so fast.  We have not planned anything special yet for either event but maybe in the coming year we can go on a cruise or something.  Well not much going on today we are relaxing and went to a craft sale here then we came back to watch the East West shrine game where a Chattanooga boy started at quarterback, he is good.  B.J. Coleman.   We are eating at the Beaches Cafe in Port Aransas on Monday with our friends.  Here are a few pics.  The first one is my Lunch on Thursday, and the second is my Dinner, then a serious pic with our friends at Moby Dicks in Port A.

Well so much for the past weeks, Until next Time remember Take care of each other.

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