Friday, May 8, 2015

Hello everyone!  I cannot believe another month has passed us by!!  This month's blog started on Wednesday April 8th.  Rode into "town" to check with ACE on making us some window screens for the house.  There was ONLY one working screen -- the rest were all broken.  Good news -- they can make them so we ordered 4.  Will add more later.  We can't open the windows now anyway because of excessive pollen.  Went to Bulverde also for a few items from Home Depot.  Lee really needed new shelving in the "barn".  The old one was ready to fall apart.  We measured and were able to put 2 shelves in and get everything off the floor.

Thursday the 9th ended up being a big work day.  We need a major cleanout in the barn.  What a mess!!!  Rearranged, threw out a bunch of stuff (Lee is sort of a hoarder when it comes to screws/nails and left over parts) and had a stack of stuff for the senior drop off area (they sort goods and sell them to the public so they can give back to the seniors in need).  We both had to take numerous breaks, but we got it done and it looks great.  Needed to do some grocery shopping on Friday.  After the workday yesterday we took Friday afternoon off and relaxed.  Got a call from one of my doctors.  She wants to take a more aggressive approach to attack my illness, so we headed off to the pharmacy for meds.  Fine with me -- because what's she is doing is helping tremendously!!!!!  And -- they check in with me about every 2 weeks in between appointments.  Not many doctors do that!!! 

My favorite part of today (Sat) ---- I was on the phone with Debi most of the afternoon (LOL).  We had a lot of catching up to do because we hadn't talked much at all since she got home from her trip to Hawaii.  As for Lee -- he was a busy beaver!!!  He had some more rearranging and a little more cleanout in the barn.  It was a good day because it was cloudy and cooler.  Sunday the 12th was a great day.  Steady rain when we left for church.  Both side of the road were blankets of blue bonnets!!!  Plus - a beautiful message from our pastor.  God Bless!!  On Tuesday the 14th was a regroup day.  We have been working on other projects before a major project was completed --- the famous iron fence around the front yard.  So with that said -- I will be working on that until it is completed, Lee is not the painter and I love painting.  Lee can work on the other stuff.  Besides -- it's great therapy for me.  I got out there early and so happy to say the front and back along the road is complete!!!!!  The day ended with my chef grilling steaks, fresh corn on the cob and baked potatoes.  Can't get better than that.

Got up early on Wednesday the 15th to meet with the pastor at the church we love.  Great warm meeting!!!!  Our plans are to join Sunday.  Left there are headed to the furniture store to check on our couch that was ordered back in February.  We had been calling -- but same 'ole same 'ole --- "check back in 2 weeks".  Good decision to go by on our part --- our couch can't be found.  We had purchased a matching recliner and love seat which we received a couple days after purchase.  Anxious to see how this situation is resolved.  We DO NOT need to be getting a "run around".  NOT with the run around we're getting from Medicare/Government, etc. etc.

I had a very productive day on Thursday......the fence is 3/4 finished.  Lee was off to the dentist.  He's getting the impression done for that tooth he lost last month.  I'm pushing the issue for him to stay inside.  He is not doing good with the oak pollen.  We got some rain the other day - which helped just a little with all this yellow stuff - but we need more.  He feels so bad.  He needs some relief for sure.  He went to CVS and talked to them about Flo-Nase and has decided to give it a try.  Guess what after 3 days he is a lot better.  He has never been bothered with allergies but I guess with the move to Texas and age we all will be bothered.

Had a fun day on Friday the 17th.  Met Winter Texan Rockport friends (Ted and Nancy Hansen) at the Gristmill for lunch.  They're another couple that are on their way home up north.  Great visit with them and a wonderful lunch!! I wish that we had gotten pictures with me and Ted, he is 6'9".   I started out with domestic chores on Saturday the 28th, while Lee rearranged some items on the living room walls.  Took a break and went to this really neat shop in New Braunfuls.  We wanted to find something to hang a gun on. This was the gun and holster that he used his Christmas and Birthday money on.   Found some really cool cowboy boots.  He spent a couple days refinishing the hangers.  It really looks great.

On Sunday the 19th we joined North Shore United Methodist Church.  What a blessed feeling!!!!  In our meeting with her last week, we found out that she's learning to fly fish.  Lee ties flies, so he got a box of fly fishing lures to give her.  We found her and gave them to her before church started because we didn't want to spoil the occasion.  To our surprise --- when she introduced us to the church -- she just had to show the congregation what Lee had given her.  It was priceless!!  What a great bunch of people, they are so friendly and welcoming.  We were starved when we got home because everyone wanted to talk to us and welcome us.

Headed to the grocery store early on Monday the 20th.  Got all put up then outside to get the yard mowed.  Rain and fertilizer do wonders.  Lee finished up with the new hangers for another gun his black powder rifle.  He also moved Bucky the deer to a better place.  LOOKS GREAT!!!  He also did some patching/painting on some areas in the living room. 

 Lee ran some errands for us while I got back on the fence.  I had to stop early to work on some updates that I need for a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  My chef fixed another wonderful dinner-- chicken and bean burritos.  The appointment on Wednesday the 22nd was with the Rheumatologist.  They're still trying to push the Rituxan issue.  Stopped at SAM's on the way home.  We haven't been in years, so we took the time to walk the entire building.  We also got a bunch of free stuff when we bought some items.

My Dermatologist appointment was Thursday the 22nd.  She reduced the Prednisone and increased what I call my "turbo" pill.  Had to stop and have some more blood work.  Anxious to get that report.  A great lunch at Smokey Mo's on the way home.  It was a "kick back" afternoon.  The last two days wore me out.  A lot of it was anxiety.....hoping for a better report from both doctors.

Made a WalMart run on Friday in Buda.  Did that one because it's next door to Cabelas.  You know you have to go to Cabelas once a month at least that's what Lee says.  Once we got home we had to make a big decision to get rid of all our Blue Bell ice cream.  OH THAT HURT!!  Not only do we love it --- it helped with numbing my mouth.  With all the negative news, we cannot take a chance of more illness.....we have had our share.

Up at 11:30 last night with news that Lee's brother had been rushed to the hospital...heart issues.  Update on Saturday - being treated for several issues....possible heart value issue.  Prayers please!  (Latest update -- replaced aortic valve - continues to improve!!!)  He has been released to the Rehab Hospital for PT and OT.  He might get to go home this next week.  

On Monday the 27th I got an early start on the fence.  One more day should do it --- I HOPE!!!  This was definitely a big project, but so glad we decided to paint it!!!  Some critter had gotten in the garden so Lee worked on getting chicken wire wrapped around it.  Monday the 28th --- THE FENCE IS FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got out early thank goodness while the sun was out.  Yesterday it was it's 59.  Love Texas weather.  Heavy clouds came in, lots of wind and temps dropped to 55.  Lee went to church to help deliver meals to the shut-ins.  He delivered 14 meals and said that it was a wonderful experience.  The church will cook and deliver home cooked meals to anyone in need even if they are not a member.  We will both be a part of this program going forward (every other Tuesday). 

Woke up on Wednesday the 29th to 44 degrees.....OUCH!  By 9:30 am it had warmed up 16 degrees so we headed outside to move/weed eat the yard.  Got up to 73 --- perfect.  Friday May 1st was NOT a good day for me.  I was denied help with a grant from the foundation for my treatments.  Long story short -- you need to be homeless to qualify.  They are going to try one more option....but at this stage of the "game" they play with sick seniors , I don't expect to be approved there either.  There are pills to treat this horrible disease.  Is it the best -- no -- but I'm ok with it.  The "worthless" powers that be, need to take a long/serious/hard look at the way seniors are being treated - sick or well.  This entire situation and time involved to hear anything is total unacceptable.  I even submitted a quick appeal over 4 weeks ago on blood work Medicare won't pay for.  Have I heard anything -- of course not.  WOW - I knew senior citizens on social security were in trouble.  But this puts a new meaning to it.  I will now go forward with the positive and try my best to get rid of the bitterness......because I do feel better.

Time out on Saturday the 2nd from everything!!!!!  Lee went to church for the men's breakfast meeting.  After he got home we headed up to Debi's for the afternoon.  It was great to see everyone!!!!

Remember the missing got delivered today (Monday the 4th)!!   Believe me -- they did not want to see us again (lol).  Tuesday the 5th was our day to deliver some meals to a few shut-ins.  We meet at the church around 11:30 after several ladies have cooked lunch with all the trimmings.  What a great feeling - and the folks receiving the meals are so appreciative.

Guess this about does it for now.  Lee is doing much better ---- and so am I.  And -- the garden is doing GREAT!!  Should have some veggies real soon. 

Take care -- until next time

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