Monday, December 2, 2013

Our November update starts on the 2nd.  Back to The Bakery.  Two more Winter Texans (Dan & Karen) arrived from Michigan, so we all met for breakfast.  The group is up to 8 now.  Great to see everyone together again.  Hard to believe it's been 7 months since we've seen each other.  Now that our social director (Karen) is here more events will be planned.  It was a beautiful day.....72 degrees with a little bit of wind.  Open the windows and door!!!!!

On Sunday the 3rd Lee got our awning cleaned.  He did a superb job waxing the rig.  She looks great!!!  Spent the afternoon watching football and the race.  On Monday Lee went to the men's coffee event.  The Winter Texan events have now started.  We helped the office sort mail.  We DO NOT like the time change.  We would rather have light in the evening.  On Tuesday we had a hot dog luncheon at Jim and Pat's rig.  Dan, Karen, Carol & John also attended.  The guys were measuring and checking out Jim & Pat's rig  for repairs that need to be done from a water leak.  They now have a game plan, but have to wait until their bathroom floor is fixed (other damage from water leak).  Came on back to our rig because we were sorting mail for the office again.  Friday we went to the walking class, which consists of 2 miles.  This is now on a regular schedule - every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.  Definitely out of shape - again.  We should be in much better shape by month end.  Wonderful weather again, so we got on our bicycles and rode 2.4 miles.

Started Saturday in slow motion.  I made homemade waffles. After breakfast, Lee went with Jim to the gun show.  I made a trip to the grocery store.  Settled back in for the afternoon of football and the race.  On Sunday the 10th I made homemade potato salad.  We were all having a pot luck dinner at Dan & Karen's.  We worked on our social events for November.  On Monday the 11th Lee went up for men's coffee and I met him for our walking class.  Got a call from the fraud department at our bank.  Long story short - our account was hacked in South Africa.  Got the card cancelled, but not before they tried to use it 2 more times.   It's SO SAD this kind of stuff has to happen.  Sick sick folks!!  Lee got a call from his Nephew Todd that he wanted Lee to come and go to the Formula-1 race in Austin. Both Nephews Todd and Chad go every year.  He agreed to go up on Thursday and go all 3 days. Tuesday was spent taking inventory of things we could take to storage.  Our storage is in Canyon Lake, but we'll stop by there on Thursday on our way up to Debi's for the weekend.  Sorted the mail for the office.  Headed to Portland for dinner to celebrate Karen's birthday.  Lee helped me get started with the laundry on Wednesday.  I finished up while he went to the men's coffee meeting.  Met him at the club house for the walking class.  Back to the rig to pack and load the car.  Thursday the 14th we headed to Austin.  Stopped at Bucee's for some breakfast and coffee.  Stopped in Canyon Lake to put some things in storage then on to Debi's. Once Debi got off work, I went with her to pick up Ryder at preschool.  Everyone came to Deb's for dinner.

We were up at 6:00 a.m. on Friday the 15th.  This is race day for Lee, Todd, & Chad.  Debi and I entertained Ryder for the day.  Entertained????  I should say spoil.  As a nana and aunt - we're allowed!!!  Debi had been cleaning up in her home office, which contained about 13 years of receipts, etc, etc, etc.  Instead of shredding we decided to burn it in the chimenea.  It took us about 3 hours, but we made it fun.  Had been receiving updates from the guys.  Sounds like they're having a great time.  Lee will attach a picture of his lunch he had that day ---- a corn dog for $15.00 and a beer for $8.50.

On Saturday the 16th Debi and I were out the door at 9:00.  We started out at the farmer's market, attended Ryder's soccer practice and had lunch with Ryder and his mom (Chelsea).  Left them to go on our shopping trip.  We had so many stops to make we had to make a list.  We didn't get home until 5:15.  Had a fantastic, fun filled time.  Lee didn't go to the race track today.  Was having problems with his back and knee.  Took some medication and rested up because he was NOT going to miss the big race on Sunday.  We were all worn out so needless to say it was all downhill after we had dinner.  All 3 of us were in bed early.

The guys headed back to the track on Sunday the 17th for the big race.  A GREAT TIME HAD BY ALL!!! Debi and I had plans to take a motorcycle ride, but I got sick.  Not a good day for me at all.  We headed back to Rockport on Monday the 18th.  The RV Park had a breakfast on Tuesday the 19th. Afterwards we had to finish putting things away from our trip.  On Wednesday the 20th we went to the island for meet the Heartland folks for breakfast.  We got there early so we rode over to the jetty.  The tide was in and lots of waves which obviously attracked the dolphins.  I have never seen so many dolphins in one place.  Must have been a good area for their breakfast.  The picture of the dolphin is from the newspaper.  This is what we see when we go to the island on the ferry or at the jetty.  I can never time a picture of them out of the water, so this will give you an idea of what we see.  The picture of the gingerbread house (sand castle) is in front of the restaurant.  It's amazing what this guys can do.  Back to Rockport to do our grocery shopping.  Settled into a quiet afternoon.  Weather has been great - 60's at night, 70's during the day.

Made a trip into Corpus Christi on Thursday the 21st.  Lee needed some items from Home Depot.  We had purchased a utility trailer when we were at Debi's last weekend.  Due to old age and bad joints, it takes a lot of effort to get the kayak off the top of the truck.  He is going to make additions to the trailer for the kayak.  It will be much easier to maneuver.  We will be able to pull it with the PT or the truck.  Enjoyed a beautiful warm day at 83.  Anxious to see what happens here with the cold front that's moving in from Canada.

The cold is arriving today Friday the 22nd.  When we woke up it was 77.  By 11:00 it was 53, plus rain.  OUCH - here it comes.  Checked the temperature at Debi's (she's about 250 miles north of us) and they were at 29.  Guess we can't complain - uh?  I took advantage of the cold gloomy day to "house" clean.  By end of the day we had a lot more rain and it was 45.  Started the morning off with the air conditioner on and ended the day with heat from the fireplace.  On Saturday the 23rd the cold front hit us hard - 41 with chill factor of 37.  Looks like we'll have several days of this.  This is not the norm here - we just have to be patient.  Lee made use of the gloomy day also by making a huge pot of homemade soup.  We do extra and freeze it via seal a meal.  Our neighbors have a ranch with 87 apple trees in Minnesota.  They brought hundreds and are kind enough to share.  I made good use of a few by making an apple pie.  Homemade soup and apple pie - can't get better than that.

As of Monday the 25th the cold front had not left.  Anxiously await the weekend - predicted to be in the 70's with a lot of sunshine.  Lee started off the day with the men's coffee meeting and as usual, I met him at 9:00 for the walking class.  It's starting to get a bit easier.  Later we headed over to Dan & Karen's place.  Dan needed help with his new Iphone.  Had a fun visit as always.  Tuesday the 26th - SUNSHINE.  Still cold.  53 expected for today with a lot of wind.  I don't care as long as the sun shines!!!!  We've had 4 days of cloudy, rainy days - enough already!!!  After our walking class on Wednesday, Lee got the primer on the rods that he'll install on the trailer.  While they dried, we went to WalMart for print cartridges for our printer.  Had dinner at Pizza Hut with the Heartland folks.  Our group is up to 12 folks now.

Thursday the 28th - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!  Woke up to a beautiful sunny - warmer - day.  Once awake - I made a German Chocolate Cake.  We stayed in Rockport for Thanksgiving.  The RV park puts on a lunch.  They do the turkey and the rest of us sign up for different dishes/desserts.  It turned out fantastic!!!  Back to the rig for a nap and watch football.  Friday - the usual - Lee went to men's coffee and we did the walking class.  After breakfast we started on our Christmas decorations.  Anxious for the sun to set to see how everything looks with the lights on.  Sundown -- looks GREAT!!!  Our end of the park is know for our light and decorations.  FUN FUN FUN!!!

Saturday the 30th -- beautiful day!!!  Opened the door and windows.  Joined in the resort's hot dog lunch and corn toss.  You're paired up with someone other than your spouse.  Lee and his partner got 2nd place.  Lots of fun.  This event is every other Saturday.  I guess we'll go back and try our luck again.  I could use a lot of practice.  Lee finished out the afternoon working on the kayak trailer.  It's really taking shape.  I read and watched football.  Sunday the 1st was definitely a day of rest.  I wasn't feeling up to par.  Dan & Karen came over for a visit.  Beautiful weather to sit outside -- high in the 70's.

Well folks - this does it for another month.  Take care - until next time.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Our blog begins on Wednesday Sept. 4th.  We worked on putting our last blog together.  The afternoon was spent with more training - teaching me how to use Facebook.  Friday was laundry day.  We started cutting back on feeding the birds so we could clean the bird feeders and seed buckets.  We will only take a couple to Rockport.  Spent the evening watching the race.  Weather update for the day - broke another record. We have now had 41 days @ 100+.  Yes - it's warm - or should I say HOT - but we don't have the humidity like Tennessee.  Saturday morning the 7th Lee did his 2 mile walk at the dam.  Later in the morning we took a ride out to I-35.  Made two stops - Bucee's (of course) and the new Hobby Lobby was having an open house.  Checked it out because I needed some more yarn.  On the way home we tried out a new bbq place. We were very excited because they served pulled pork!!  Texas is known for brisket, so it great to find a place with pulled pork.  Lee was very pleased, but I wasn't.  It was "Texas Style" which means spicy!  I'm having a problem with spices.  Guess this is another obstacle approaching maturity!!!

On Sunday the 8th Lee took his 2 mile walk on the dam.  I have not been able to go with him because the heat bothers some of my medical issues.  We noticed the bird feeders are now empty, so we decided to get them cleaned up.  There's two that we will take to Rockport.  Really going to miss the birds, but we can't wait until the last minute to get them ready for transport.  Got too much other stuff to take of.

 I have mentioned before that we are in an area that's VERY POPULAR with folks tubing down the Guadalupe River.  We will attached a picture of what the river looks like every weekend during the summer.

Thursday the 12th was a fun day for us with lots of running around.  Started off the day with an appointment with my eye doctor.  GREAT news - surgery a success, I was released.  It wonderful to be able to see clearly!!!!!  Don't have to go back until next summer for a checkup.  Went to WalMart, Cabelas, GNC and the grocery story.  Headed back home for a much needed afternoon nap.  What can I say - all that running around at our age wore us out.

My sister had rented a "tree house" at Schilterbaum (a water park) for her and the family for the weekend (9/13 - 9/15).  This is just a few miles from where we live.  We drove down and spent the day with them. The picture of Lee and Ryder on the couch is Ryder playing games on his dad's cell phone.  I was amazed at how much a 2 years knows about iPhones.  He could probably teach us a thing or two.  Had dinner with them and headed back home.  I got really excited on the way home!!  This is the first time we've been out at dark since my eye surgeries.  OMG - what a difference.  For the last couple years, I've tried to avoid driving at night because of the "sunbursts" with oncoming car headlights.   Another positive with cataract surgery!!!!!!  We went back to the tree house on Saturday afternoon.  The front porch overlooked a section of the water park.  Many many laughs because so many people wiped out at that particular area.  The kids did great -- not so good for adults.  Sunday we got more stuff ready for storage.  Watched a lot of football, going back to the race occasionally.  I don't like racing as much when the chase starts.  I am NOT a fan of the chase at all. Lee doesn't mind at all - so I try not to complain too much as to what's going on during the race.  Monday the 16th we took a load to storage.  Spent several hours rearranging.  We put the things we're taking to Rockport toward the front.  We will start loading all that in the rig and car in another week. Saturday the 21st we went to check out a campground.  We had been there before, but we wanted to take another look.  Hoping a spot will be available when we come back in March.  Talked to the folks in the office and put our name on the list.  They don't think there will be a problem at all.  Got back to the rig, settled in for a day of football and racing.  Woke up on Sunday with a BIG change in the weather.  FINALLY got a low front in the area which brought the temp down to 62.  We took advantage of the beautiful weather and rode over to Gruene for their monthly market days.  Made our last run to Camping World for a few items.  The days are ticking off very fast.  But - due to my "lists" we seem to be very organized.  Another cool morning on Monday the 23rd -- 58!!  Love it!!  This is also a big day for celebration.  Our grandson - Austin - turned 18.  Where have the years gone???????  Took a last minute load to storage and brought some things back that will be needed in Rockport.  Lee got the Kayak out (from under the rig) and gave it a bath and a wax job.  All the yard art, flags, etc. have been taken up and packed away.  Tuesday we went to storage for the 5th wheel and fishing items.  Lee installed the 5th wheel while I cleaned the inside of the truck.  This time next week, we'll be in Rockport.  Thursday the 26th was a very busy day.  Lee got a haircut, pedicure, greased the wheel bearings, checked the air pressure on all tires (rig, car, & truck), filled the trucks airbags and gassed up both vehicles, the truck holds 79 gallons. I worked mainly inside, but I did get the nasty wheel covers washed and packed away.  Need a nap -- after I doctor my right foot.  Was attacked by fired ants -- didn't see them!!!!  PAINFUL!!  Warm day - broke another record - 102.  OUCH on both issues!

Friday we got the grill cleaned up and headed to the mail service to schedule the forwarding of our mail.  We took the skirt off the front of the rig and got it packed away.  It's dirty, but we'll clean it up once we get settled in Rockport.  Had a good afternoon of thunder storms.  Helped to settle the dust in the RV park.....and believe me - there's plenty to go around.  Debi came down on Saturday for the weekend.  After having breakfast at Granny D's, we dropped Lee off at the rig and we headed out to do some shopping.  All 3 of us kicked back and relaxed for the afternoon, then went to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  Debi left around noon on Sunday (the 29th).  Lee and I took the day off and did a bunch of nothing - a much needed day of rest!!!!

On Tuesday October 1st we left Canyon Lake at 10:00 a.m.  Lee in the truck pulling the RV and me in the PT following.  Stopped at Buccee's on I-10 around 11:00 for some breakfast.  Arrived at Drifter's Resort (our winter home) at 2:20 p.m.  The heat index was 102 - and NO breeze, so we did ONLY the necessary setup outside.  Met some our dear friends (Jim & Pat) for breakfast at the Bakery on Wednesday morning.  They are "Winter Texans" from Kansas City and they come the first of October also.  It was GREAT seeing them!!!!  Made a quick trip to the island (Port Aransas).  Lee needed to pick up some Dramamine tablets from the deep fishing place.  Chad (our nephew) is coming down for the weekend.  They are going on an 8 hour fishing trip on Friday.   Afterwards we headed to the store for major grocery shopping.  We had eaten most of the food in the rig before leaving Canyon Lake.  Had to eliminate some weight due to adding all the fishing gear (LOL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After getting everything put up - back outside to finish the setting up process. The only thing left is LEE'S flock of flamingos.  Thursday I got my haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had 2 of the worse haircuts of my life from 2 different people in Canyon Lake.  I decided to just wait until I got to Rockport.
This gal has been doing my hair for the last 2 years and she's super.  That afternoon Lee got the bird feeders up.  Got birds again!!!

Friday morning October the 4th we were all up at 5:30 a.m.  Lee and Chad headed to the island at 6:00 a.m. for their fishing trip.  I couldn't go back to sleep so I started working on the inside of the rig.  It's started to look like home again.  The guys got back to the RV park around 6:00 p.m.  They had a GREAT time and both "limited out" on their catch (red snapper).  Both caught a shark also.  Saturday started off leisurely. Chad needed to do some studying before we headed over to the island.  He was giving us a lesson on how to catch ghost shrimp.  We didn't catch any because the tide was coming in.  You need to do this when the tide is going out.  Lee has an app on his iPhone that shows low/high tide, so we'll go back one day this week.  Chad wanted to do some fishing at the jetty, so Lee and I went into town for a few and headed back to the rig. Watched some very interesting football games.  Florida won against Arkansas.  Once Chad got back we headed back to the island for dinner at Trout Street.  That's a BIG deal!!!  Great food and scenery.  The sunset pictures we've included were taken on our way back to the island and on the ferry.  Absolutely beautiful!!  The last picture was taken by Lee at one of the stores and he titled it as a family reunion,

The blog is a bit longer this time, but it spills over into October for obvious reasons.  Today is Sunday October 6th.  Chad left this morning, Lee made a run to WalMart for a new sewer hose (ours was split in a couple places - glad he noticed before he had to dump - you folks with rigs can appreciate that), I sorted the laundry for tomorrow and put on a roast, then set down to do the blog.

Take care -- and until next time

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This blog starts on Friday August 2nd (see picture from t.v. below).  We are starting the month off VERY WARM!!  At least we don't have the smoke from the Mexico fires.  On Wednesday we both had a followup appointment with the doctor on our latest blood work.  Just a couple minor changes on meds, otherwise we are both staying within the required numbers on everything.  I HAVE to mention the weather we had today.  It was 104 with a heat index of 107.  This area has broken heat records for 21 days.  The evening only got down to 80.  Sure am glad our air conditioner is a good one!!!  Also we have another "dust bowl" over us again.  This stuff is coming from Africa.  As I've said before, weather here has certainly been a learning experience.

Thusday the 8th was my pre-op appointment for the cataract surgery on my right eye.  All set for that on the 14th.  We stopped by the Central Texas Hospital to deliver 15 baby hats I had made over the last few months.  The dust bowl that came into our area is much worse today.  I'm glad we don't have sinus problems to this stuff.  It's nasty.  On Friday we headed up to Debi's for the weekend.  Ryder is taking swimming lessons and we got to watch him.  He is doing very well.  Will be advancing to the next class soon.  Most of Saturday the 10th was spend at the pool.  Fixed a big dinner with the neighbors that night.  Besides Ryder we had the neighbor's granddaughter plus a neighbor boy.  Dessert was cupcakes.  The 3 of them were covered in icing.  Such a sight to see!!  Sunday started out in the pool, then Debi, Lee & I went to the movie -- "We Are The Millers".   We headed back home on Monday morning.

Lee had an appointment with a cardiologist on Tuesday the 13th.  He's been having some problems with dizziness and our doctor wanted to make sure it's not heart related.  They put a holter monitor on him for 48 hours and scheduled him for a echogram and stress test on the 19th.  I wish I could have taken a picture of the waiting room.  Except for one -- the "old" folks were either texting on their phones of Ipads.  What a riot!!  Wednesday the 14th was my big day --- eye surgery!  Things were better when he did the left eye --- but WOW --- it's great now.  NO MORE FOG!!  Went back to the doctor on Thursday morning for a checkup.  All a-ok.  Go back in another week.  Lee was able to turn in the holter monitor also.

On Friday we rode over to check out a double wide for sale.  Not interested in this one, but it looked good on the internet.  Did a quick stop at Bucees and checked out a new Hobby Lobby that will open soon in the shopping center across the street.  Weather was still in the 100's.  We are now at 29 days at 100+.  Saturday and Sunday were much needed quiet days.  We both read and watch the races and I included some knitting time.  Monday the 19th was Lee's stress test and echogram.  Results will be discussed with him on September the 3rd.

Tuesday we tried out our new boiled egg maker.  It doesn't take much for us, but this item is definitely one of the coolest.  Weather has improved.  High has been in the 90's with lows in the 70's, but we still have a dust bowl all over the area.  Thursday the 22nd was my eye checkup.  Excellent result - next appointment in 3 weeks.  Friday we cleaned out the closet, drawers, etc.  We want to get items to storage that are not needed when we go to Rockport.  Hopefully the weather will cool more so we can work on straightening up a couple areas in storage.  Did a major cleaning in the rig on Saturday the 24th, and of course watched the race.  I also washed the stuffed animals.  They were in an area that collects dust.  Decided to sack them up and take to storage for now.  I don't want them ruined.  I do believe Lee got a picture on them drying out.

GOT RAIN on Monday the 26th!!!!!!  More rain on Tuesday!!!!  But - not enough as usual.  Thursday the 29th we rode into San Antonio to the Bass Pro shop.  GOSH - that place was huge.  Met up with the Duck Dynasty crew!!!!  Lee was really excited - he has been to Bass Pro and Cabelas all in one week.  Friday morning we headed to Debi's for the holiday weekend.  This is the last holiday for the summer, so the river and campgrounds will be packed with thousands of people.  Dinner was great on Friday night.  Chad fixed fresh fish on the grill.  This was fish he caught when he was in Port Aransas the prior weekend.  Saturday Lee, Debi and I went to the Cedar Park Market Days.  Met up with Todd, Chelsea and Ryder.  We all went to Longhorns for lunch.  Chelsea went home to put Ryder down for a nap, Lee and Todd headed to Cabelas, and Debi and I headed to Bealls (shopping for capris).  Sunday the 25th Lee and Todd headed back to Cabelas.  Can you tell they really like that place?!?!?!  Debi and I did some miscellaneous running around.  I'm restricted from going in the pool for another 2 weeks, so we found a reason to run around (to HOT to just sit outside).  Lee put a brisket on the grill while Debi helped me get on Facebook.  I said I would NEVER get on it -- so as the old saying goes "don't say never".  On Monday September 1st Lee and I headed home.  Got all unpacked and then just kicked backed and relaxed.  Lee was really tired from all the excitement of going to Cabelas (LOL). Even Scooter was wore out.  Got some new hot sauce and it was HOT!!!!!  Todd and Lee even found me a new purse, I politely declined.  Haha

I usually update the blog on the first of the month, but decided to wait so I could give an update on the tests that have been run on Lee the past couple of weeks (consultation is September 3rd).  He has some thick areas on the heart, some PVC's and PAC's showed up on the holter monitor.  The stress test was GOOD!  Doctor is not concerned at this time.  It appears to be inner ear problems.  If problems continues he will be send him to an ENT specialist.  The doctor recommends exercise 5 days a week for 1 hour each day, watch diet more closely so he can lose some weight.  At least we know it's not his heart!!!

We heard on the weather last night that August was the second hottest day in Canyon Lake history there was a total of 38 days so far this year of over 100.

A month ago I told Ryder that he had an "alfalfa" when he came out of the pool (his hair sticking up). He has not forgotten it.  Now when he gets his hair wet he tells everyone.

Take care - until next time